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Join Our Call for Respecting Provincial Jurisdiction in Childcare 

Affordable, quality, and accessible childcare is a priority for all of us, but federal control with restrictive conditions is not the solution. We need to respect provincial jurisdiction, allowing provinces to manage childcare programs in ways that are effective and efficient for their unique needs.

our letter

Association of Alberta Child Care Entrepreneurs (AACE)
AACE National Committee on Childcare Reform
Grande Prairie, AB, T8V 8L1 

August 20, 2024
The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau
Prime Minister of Canada
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,

Subject: Urgent Call for Reform: Respect Provincial Jurisdiction in Federal-Provincial Child Care Agreements

We, the undersigned, write to you as a coalition of provincial leaders, stakeholders, and advocates united under the banner of the Association of Alberta Child Care Entrepreneurs (AACE). We are leading a national movement to reform the Federal - Provincial Early Learning and Child Care agreements. The current system comes at a great cost, with thousands of families on waitlists and financial instability among just a few of the issues it has created. #AtWhatCost are we allowing this to continue?

Our Ask
We demand that the federal government respects provincial jurisdiction by modifying the current funding within the agreements to simple envelope funding—without strings attached—for the provinces to spend on these key priorities:
1. Affordability: Make childcare more affordable for families.
2. Quality: Enhance the quality of childcare services.
3. Accessibility: Increase childcare accessibility.

Provinces are best positioned to understand and address the unique needs of their constituents, involving operators, Early Childhood Educators (ECEs), and families in the process. Federal mandates should not dictate how these funds are allocated. It's time to respect provincial jurisdiction and empower provinces and their families, ensuring a sustainable, affordable, high-quality, and accessible childcare system for all Canadians.

Thank you for your consideration and support.


Krystal Churcher
Chair, Association of Alberta Child Care Entrepreneurs (AACE) 

On behalf of the undersigned supporters attached.

To demand respect for provincial jurisdiction and support sustainable childcare funding reform, ensuring a better future for our children. #AtWhatCost

2. Send a Letter to Government 

1. Sign the Petition

Two Ways to Contribute your voice

Sign the Petition

Join Our Call for Sustainable Childcare Funding Reform

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